
Stormy Weather: All Part of His Plan

Seeing snow storms pop up at the beginning of June may seem out of character, but we’ve certainly seen these things before. Rain in the winter, snow in the summer, hail in the spring… they all obey Him. Today, we look to the Bible for guidance on the unpredictable nature of nature! Learn more, today on Hugs From Heaven.

Instant Takeaways

  1. White Summer. On June 13th, 1889, Rawlins, Wyoming received roughly 2-feet of snow!

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Moira Brown

With over 40 years of broadcast experience, Moira is known and loved across Canada. Best known for her work on 100 Huntley Street, Moira now offers daily encouragement with her Faith Strong Today podcast Hugs From Heaven, sharing her life experiences and interests in her warm, show-and-tell style.

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